Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 20
У статті розглядаються актуальні підходи до змістовного тлумачення феномену медіації як визнаної світовою спільнотою реальності, ефективного способу вирішення конфліктів, альтернативної форми вирішення спорів, що дозволяє знайти життєздатне рішення, котре максимально задовольняє потреби сторін, залучених в суперечку. Автором визначені загальні положення концептуального розуміння процесу політичного медіювання і зроблений висновок про наявний позитивний потенціал медіації у сучасному політичному процесі. The article deals with the actual approaches to the meaningful interpretation of the phenomenon of mediation as a recognized world community of reality, an effective way to resolve conflicts, an alternative form of dispute settlement, which allows us to find a viable solution that maximally satisfies the needs of the parties involved in the dispute. The article presents the author's vision of the content filling of the phenomenon of political mediation as a political practice aimed at resolving disputes, conflicts, disputes through communicativedialogue tools with the participation of the mediator between the special (specific) actors, the subjects of the political process. The author outlines the general conceptual understanding of the process of political mediation and concluded that there is a positive potential for mediation in the modern political process. The main theses characterizing political mediation as a political and technological practice, the author believes: the acquisition of political mediation of product properties and tools of modern political control; multi-level technology for resolving political contradictions; power-management practice of self-organization and self-government; institutionalized political practice; construct principles of graduality and synchrony in the development of the political process. Thus, in our opinion, political mediation gradually reveals the features of institutionalized political practice relevant to the modern political process. It is through political mediation as a means of resolving international and internal conflicts that we see the general trends in the development of post-industrial society. In addition, the very process of international institutionalization, the tendency towards integration in the face of globalization of the world demonstrate a significant level of interdependence and interpenetration of states, nations, ethnic groups, which, in turn, provokes an increased fragility of the existence of civilization. The global financial and economic crisis has revealed crisis trends and civilizational scale. These processes encourage to rethink the rules of international coexistence, which should be based on the principles of communicative-dialog practice - the ability and will to resolve the dispute.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Mazur
Діяльність товариства Червоного Хреста і Червоного Півмісяця на території українського Донбасу (друга половина 1960-х - 1980-ті рр.)
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