The following article introduces the problem of the attitude of Poles towards the European
Union (EU) in the context of their electoral activity. The elections in Poland are characterized
by, among others, relatively low...
Presidential elections in Belarus in 2015 did not follow democratic standards. Once again Aleksandr Lukashenko was elected a president. The political opposition was not able to develop a consistent election strategy. Att...
The subject of the article is to discuss the new institution of Polish electoral law – the socia observers of the elections. This institution, next to the well-known in Polish law the persons of trust and international e...
Article indicates the cause, lasting many years, the low voter turnout in Poland. They presented
three alternative techniques to vote, which in addition to the guarantee of universal suffrage
can help to increase turnout...
Stosunek Polaków do Unii Europejskiej a ich udział w wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego
The following article introduces the problem of the attitude of Poles towards the European Union (EU) in the context of their electoral activity. The elections in Poland are characterized by, among others, relatively low...
Wybory prezydenckie na Białorusi w 2015 roku
Presidential elections in Belarus in 2015 did not follow democratic standards. Once again Aleksandr Lukashenko was elected a president. The political opposition was not able to develop a consistent election strategy. Att...
Społeczni obserwatorzy wyborów w polskim prawie wyborczym
The subject of the article is to discuss the new institution of Polish electoral law – the socia observers of the elections. This institution, next to the well-known in Polish law the persons of trust and international e...
Alternatywne techniki głosowania a frekwencja wyborcza
Article indicates the cause, lasting many years, the low voter turnout in Poland. They presented three alternative techniques to vote, which in addition to the guarantee of universal suffrage can help to increase turnout...
Sprawozdanie z obchodów Światowego Dnia Wyborów, Toruń, 2 lutego 2017 roku