Polska inna niż PRL. Rozważania programowe O co walczymy? na łamach organu Stronnictwa Narodowego „Walka” w latach 1941–1944
Journal Title: Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość. Pismo naukowe poświęcone historii najnowszej - Year 2017, Vol 30, Issue 2
During the period of 1941–1944, “Walka” the head body of the National Party in the period of occupation published the series entitled “O co walczymy?” (What do we fight for?). It was comprised of 32 detailed drafts. They presented political, social and economic programme. At the same time, they comprise evidence of how the method of the programme invented by the NP was created during the four years of war. This article includes the analysis of the whole series entitled “O co walczymy?”, it depicts the political group where it was created and outlines the ideological and historic contexts. The analysis allows us to draw the conclusion that, at the beginning, the attention of the “O co walczymy” series’ authors was drawn to geopolitics and the issue of future borders. Since 1942 it was dominated by social and economic subjects. The “O co walczymy?” series proves that during the period of occupation, the National Party developed a comprehensive programme which included such issues as agricultural reform, education, higher education, the middle class, right for ownership, the judiciary, and work ethics. The local government and social organisations were to be the foundation of the “national political system”. Capitalism was to be the focal point of the system – as the source of moral standards and the safety catch protecting the national idea against distortion. The “O co walczymy?” series allows to imagine what the post-war Poland would be, if the power was not taken over by Communists.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Kosiński
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