Polska transformacja ustrojowa i fenomen „Solidarności” a sytuacja międzynarodowa w latach 80. XX w.
Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 1
The article is about the Polish political transformation and the phenomenon of „Solidarity” in the face of international situation of eighties. About the uniqueness of the Polish transformation decides their peaceful nature. The events in Poland initiated the collapse of communism, which divided Europe into two parts. The authoress presented the genesis and the determinants of Polish transformation with particular emphasis on the influence of NSZZ “Solidarity” and on the specification of Polish society. It is essential that this social movement was the phenomenon on a global scale, because of the number of people belonging to “Solidarity”. It was above 25% of the whole society, which equaled about 10 million people. Moreover, this movement was supported by the student opposition group – NZS as well as by intellectuals. Also the international determinants of Polish system transformation were shown, including the pressure of West and the programme of Gorbaczow’s reforms, who decided to depart from Breżniew’s doctrine. What is more, also the influence of pope Jan Paweł II was depicted. Due to the change of regime in Poland and later in the other countries of eastern bloc it has been possible to integrate within the western continent. In addition, based on the archival documents the reaction of Western Europe on the events in PRL was presented. The authoress also used the results of the survey, which was conducted among the high school graduates and students. The survey concerned with the Polish system transformation. The results of that survey confirmed a strong Poland influence on the situation of the eastern bloc during the eighties.
Authors and Affiliations
Margaretta Mielewczyk
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