Polskie akcenty w publicystyce Aleksandra Sołżenicyna
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 0
Poland and Polish people are shown in the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writing in the context of complicated Polish-Russian relations. In Repentance and Self-limitation the author criticises Polish nation for being unable to repent and admit making mistakes in the past in a historical context. At the same time he claims that Russians have a natural ability to repentance, that is a condition of a moral renewal of a nation. Nevertheless, the overall picture of the Polish nation in Solzhenitsyn’s writing is positive. This Russian Nobel prize winner highlights Polish courage, pride and their undeterred struggle for freedom. In The Gulag Archipelago the author eternalises a Polish scientist named Jerzy Wegierski, a prisoner of a forced labour camp, who had been Solzhenitsyn’s friend till his death. It is also very important to highlight Solzhenitsyn’s respect and attitude toward the Pope John Paul II. The article is an attempt to recall and analyse Polish features in the Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writing.
Authors and Affiliations
Iza Siemianowska
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