Polskie zapożyczenia leksykalne w ukraińskiej gwarze nadsańskiej (na przykładzie kilku wsi z regionu mościskiego)
Journal Title: Prace Językoznawcze - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 1
The influence of the Polish language on the Ukrainian local dialect results from the long-lasting contact between the two languages and from the bilingualism of those who speak them. On the basis of the presented examples one may draw the conclusion that the complicated cultural and linguistic situation of the inhabitants of southern borderland, especially those belonging to the middle-aged and the young generation, results in the fact that it is difficult for them to specify their identity and to distinguish which language item is actually Ukrainian and which is a borrowing. The analysis of their Ukrainian dialect shows that its condition results from the development of both the external processes and the internal processes which include a diffusion of Polish influences. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish foreign influences from preserved archaisms or from the language’s own change and development.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Kostecka-Sadowa
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