Prawilny – from sociolect to colloquial Polish

Journal Title: Prace Językoznawcze - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 1


The subject of the article is the functioning of the adjective prawilny in colloquial Polish. This word, which is a borrowing from the Russian language, appears in the sociolectal varieties of language (e.g. in criminal jargon, in the hip-hop sociolect, in student dialect). Today, we can observe the increasingly frequent use of this word in non-social communication of a nationwide range. The article presents the semantic development of this adjective. The basis of the analysis are, first of all, various types of texts published on the Internet.

Authors and Affiliations

Renata Kucharzyk


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  • EP ID EP614920
  • DOI 10.31648/pj.3710
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How To Cite

Renata Kucharzyk (2019). Prawilny – from sociolect to colloquial Polish. Prace Językoznawcze, 21(1), 93-102.