Polymorphic Transition of PbO, Initiated by Curing Conditions of Mesocomposites Under Action of Constant Physical Fields
Journal Title: Фізика і хімія твердого тіла - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 1
Influence of physical-chemical factors at forming three-dimension network of thermosetting plastic in simulations action of constant physical field upon capable to polymorphic transition crystalline ((form of PbO first studied. X-ray structural analysis of composites on the base of polyepoxy– lead monoxide and polyaniline showed formation of new crystal (–phase. Constant physical field and polyaniline are intensify processes of condensation and crystallizing of start-up phase; very important is next result, what established that crystallizing (( crystal form be going under simultaneous action physical field and polyaniline at ф- crystal form, thus everyone factor independently.
Authors and Affiliations
V. O. Vilensky, Y. V. Bardadym, Y. P. Gomza, Y. Y. Kercha
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