In the Middle Ages and Modern Times the area of site 114 was a part of the biggest
Torunian Chełmińskie suburb, being crafts and economic back-up of the city. It housed,
among others, slaughters, stalls, St. Laurence c...
The interest in the Teutonic Order Castle in Toruń dates back as far as the beginning
of Modern Times. Works originating from 17th, 18th and the beginning of 19th century
concentrated on quoting the castle history, gen...
Chełmińskie suburb in the light of archaeological studies
In the Middle Ages and Modern Times the area of site 114 was a part of the biggest Torunian Chełmińskie suburb, being crafts and economic back-up of the city. It housed, among others, slaughters, stalls, St. Laurence c...
Kwartał św. Wawrzyńca (Przedmieście Chełmińskie) – sieć drożna i osadnictwo przed połową XVII wieku w świetle źródeł historycznych
The state of studies, elaborations and scientific postulates concerning the Teutonic Order Castle in Toruń
The interest in the Teutonic Order Castle in Toruń dates back as far as the beginning of Modern Times. Works originating from 17th, 18th and the beginning of 19th century concentrated on quoting the castle history, gen...
Pomyłka technologiczna budowniczych katedr?
Stan badań i opracowań oraz postulaty badawcze dotyczące zamku krzyżackiego w Toruniu