Pomysł i piękno: o wybranych książkach autorskich Iwony Chmielewskiej


Idea and Beauty in Iwona Chmielewska’s Picturebooks A few years ago Iwona Chmielewska, Torunian artist and creator of the picturebooks could speak that the hardest thing is to be a Prophet in his own country. She was the author much more known on the publishing market in South Korea than in Poland. However, her books gradually accustom Polish publishers and readers to their ineptitude, ingenuity, poetry and creativity. An article is a short analysis of the selected (including unpublished yet in Poland) books by Chmielewska for creative workshop of their author: ideas for an intriguing content, poetic image and the specific architecture of the whole picturebook as artifact.

Authors and Affiliations

Alina Brzuska-Kępa


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  • EP ID EP530289
  • DOI 10.24917/23534583.6.11
  • Views 38
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How To Cite

Alina Brzuska-Kępa (2018). Pomysł i piękno: o wybranych książkach autorskich Iwony Chmielewskiej. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica, 6(), 136-146. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-530289