Поняття та види незаконного обігу зброї


Автор доводить, що незаконний обіг зброї – це процес, який включає різні етапи її виготовлення, експлуатації, знищення. Використання зброї за цільовим призначенням не є елементом її обігу. Незаконний обіг зброї поділяється на два види. Незаконний обіг включає кримінальний рух зброї, що передбачає кримінальну відповідальність, та істотні порушення правил законного обігу зброї, які тягнуть адміністративну відповідальність. The illegal traffic of weapons is one of the factors that negatively affects the security situation in the country. The illegal traffic of weapons, explosives and devices is a serious threat to public safety. The international community recognizes the illegal traffic of weapons as an internal problem of the state and as a significant factor in influencing transnational organized crime. The process of manufacturing, purchasing, possession, exploitation (use), destruction and other actions with weapons are regulated by numerous domestic regulations. In Ukraine, there is no general law on weapons, which would provide a legislative definition of the concepts of «weapons», «weapons traffic». To some extent, the content of some components of the illegal traffic of weapons is disclosed in international and domestic regulations, which aimed at combating this negative phenomenon. However, these acts do not fully cover the complex notion of illegal traffic of weapons. According to standards weapons are factory or homemade objects, devices designed specifically to defeat living targets, destruction or damage to the environment. The weapon includes any firearm (artillery, arrowhead, and also grenade launchers); other common means of destruction, including mines and incendiary weapons; cold weapons; gas weapon of neuroparalytic action; pneumatic weapon with a caliber greater than 4.5 mm with a balloon speed of more than 100 meters per second; special weapon for firing rubber bullets; electric bullet weapon; explosives or weapons, weapons of mass destruction. The traffic of weapons is considered as a process of production of weapons, its further movement from the state or the criminal producer to the legal or illegal consumer, as well as its maintenance in a good condition, the transition from one owner to another, etc., before its destruction. The acts of the weapon, carried out in violation of laws, rules and instructions, constitute an illegal movement of weapons, which from the legal positions is not homogeneous, but is divided into two types. The first type traffic of weapons is related to the commission of administrative offenses or other violations of administrative regulations. The second type of traffic of weapons - the criminal movement of arms - includes actions that violate criminal law and criminalize. According to the author, the illicit traffic of weapons is any actions with arms, except for its use on purpose, committed without the permission provided by law and impose administrative or criminal liability.

Authors and Affiliations

Д. В. Андрєєв


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Д. В. Андрєєв (2017). Поняття та види незаконного обігу зброї. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 78(2), 62-69. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416876