Popkultura wobec izraelskich wzorców pamiętania o Zagładzie
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 45
After the long period of intentional silence surrounding the subject of the Holocaust survivors in the official discourse of Israel, more and more often the Holocaust served as a justification for the Israeli military activity as well as it became a central element shaping the national identity of the Israeli Jews. This situation is directly reflected in the texts of Israeli mass culture but also has been widely criticized with the use of tools it offers. The main objective of the article is to give a brief overview of the history of this dual relationship between Israeli pop culture and the Holocaust memory, as well as to explain the special status it has in Israel from the first decades of the state’s existence until the period of an extensive presence of the topic of Holocaust memory in various kinds of popular media.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jagoda Budzik
Recenzje, relacje, omówienia.
Magdalena Kamińska, Niecne memy. Dwanaście wykładów o kulturze Internetu,
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