Usta milkły, dusza śpiewała. Wokół ostatnich nagrań Marka Grechuty
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 53
In the following article the author tries to show the artistic model presented by MarekGrechuta (1945-2006) on his last music album Niezwykłemiejsca (Wondrous places), as well as various consequences of this model`s realisation. It is stressed that they were determined by singer`s psychomotor form and emotional health. Focusing on peculiar Grechuta`s case the author engages in the much wider project of anthropology of reception. It ought to explain how ambitious code of culture has collocated with pop culture over the years in Poland.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Włodzimierz Karol Pessel
Wspólnoty mięsa. Konstruowanie tożsamości grupowej wokół sporu o ubój rytualny
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