Population status of the goral, Naemorhedus goral (Hardwick) (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) in Pattan and Keyal Valleys of Kohistan, Pakistan
Journal Title: International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 6
The goral, Naemorhedus goral (Hardwick) (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) is classified as endangered and assigned a status of vulnerable in Pakistan. The population status of N. goral was determined during May-July 2010 in the Pattan and Keyal Valleys, Kohistan, Pakistan. In Pattan Valley, 90 questionnaires were distributed in 8 different sites, i.e., Tankor Janchil, Rasta Dong Janchil, Barho Kandogay, Landai Sar Bohil, Hawery Kamar Bohil, Barho Bohil, Barho Gulkand and Nabaz. In Keyal, 75 questionnaires were distributed in 6 different sites, i.e., Baroon Nala Fagaiel, Galto Fagaiel, Shaig Bhapobanda, Keero Keyal, Balkhun and Rodair. They were known as “rewn” and “gidha” in their local languages in two valleys, respectively. In Pattan, the population of N. goral was decreased during last five years due to over hunting and unawareness; while in Keyal the same was increased due to prevention of hunting and awareness by Wildlife Department, Pakistan (WDP). The purposes of hunting were the same in both valleys, i.e., natural food resource, source for earning and recreation. Due to lack of education, the most of hunters do not know about importance of N. goral as wildlife animal. The present research is provided education and awareness to the people and hunters.
Authors and Affiliations
Farzana Perveen
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