Poradniki savoir-vivre’u. Bibliografia druków tego typu wydanych w Polsce lub w języku polskim do połowy XX wieku

Journal Title: Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej - Year 2017, Vol 67, Issue


This bibliography is a register of savoir-vivre guides published in Poland or in Polish between 1739 and 1959. It has been prepared on the basis of existing bibliographies and catalogues. Its authors have adopted a narrower understanding of the concepts of ‘handbooks of good manners’ and ‘guides to savoir-vivre’, which is why it does not include letter-writing manuals, collections of toasts and felicitations, guides to games and social games, guides to speech writing, guide to diplomatic protocol, housekeeping, organizing parties etc. The bibliography is in chronological order and contains indexes of names, titles, places of publication, translations, modifications and target groups.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Brzeziak, Barbara Bułat


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How To Cite

Agnieszka Brzeziak, Barbara Bułat (2017). Poradniki savoir-vivre’u. Bibliografia druków tego typu wydanych w Polsce lub w języku polskim do połowy XX wieku. Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, 67(), 337-387. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-333258