Porównanie efektów stosowania przysadki mózgowej karpia (CPH), Ovopelu i Ovaprimu w kontrolowanym rozrodzie jazi Leuciscus idus (L.) wychowanych w stawach karpiowych
Journal Title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego - Year 2012, Vol 25, Issue
The aim of this paper is to present the results the artificial reproduction of pond-reared fourth generation of ide Leuciscus idus (L.) females fed on three hormonal preparations: carp pituitary homogenate, Ovopel, and Ovaprim. During the experiment the number of ovulating females, spawners survival after the spawning season, volume of obtained eggs, eggs survival to eyed-egg stage, and number of swimming larvae, were recorded. The best result was obtained after stimulation with Ovaprim. Ovopel was also very effective in ovulation induction, however this preparation caused a very high mortality of spawners. Females stimulated with Ovopel delivered also the smallest volume of eggs. Stimulation with carp pituitary homogenate (CPH) in one dose (4 mg kg–1 female body mass) induced a very good ovulation, similar to Ovaprim and Ovopel, but eggs survival was significantly lower. Stimulation with two doses of CPH (0,2 mg + 0,6 mg kg–1 of body mass) gave the worst results in number of ovulating females, eggs survival to eyed-egg stage, and number of swimming larvae.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirosław Cieśla, Robert Jończyk, Dariusz Gozdowski, Ryszard Wojda, Jerzy Śliwiński
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