Портретний екфрасис роману М. Продановича «Еліша в країні Святих Коропів»


During the 20th century considerable experience was synthesized in the comparative discourse, which created the opportunity to open new facets of the phenomenon of exfrase and its corresponding comparative literary criticism strategy. Of particular interest is a peculiar exfrase, which is revealed in the program novel of modern Serbian prose writer M. Prodanovich’s. The content of exfrase, according to the laws of the genre, focuses on the direct image of the person. Illustrated in the elaborate designated instances described in the description, which are identical to the features of the portrait drawing, genre-supporting for this direction of art of painting, the content of which is a priori considered “obvious and convincing” in the reproduction of manifestations of nature. A special, partly, climax of formal-musical weight in the described portrait should be distinguished in its essential figurative instance, identical to the composition of the composition, drawn in the plane of the background. A separate smile line should be distinguished in the content of the figurative material, the proportional aggregate composition of the described portrait. At the same time, a separate colored party also appears to be essential in the embodiment of a single holistic visual image. The actual space for colors and the semantic parameters of their combinations, appealing to “canonical” values that reach the level of artistic means of the genre, are determined for extrasisation. A significant symbolism of chromatism is distinguished by the features inherent in, in fact, the patterns of the described portrait, capable, by definition, of attracting the subtle shades of the emotional plan of the character shown. Transposed to the form-building arsenal of figurative exfrasies, the meaning should be summarized by the sense of the danger of brutal aggression, concentrated in a separate individuality.

Authors and Affiliations

Н. Л. Білик


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  • EP ID EP433768
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2018-0-15-107-112
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How To Cite

Н. Л. Білик (2018). Портретний екфрасис роману М. Продановича «Еліша в країні Святих Коропів». Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(15), 107-112. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-433768