Possibilities of the technologies of portfolio and web-portfolio according the professional training of future sacred art painters
Journal Title: Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах - Year 2018, Vol 60, Issue 2
The article substantiates that modern innovative approaches require the introduction of a new direction of assessment of the future artist of sacral painting – an assessment of his personal and interpersonal achievements, namely, portfolio technologies and web-portfolio. The article attempts to substantiate the necessity of its introduction into the professional training of future sacred art painters on the basis of the analysis of the possibilities of the technology of portfolio and web-portfolio. There are underlined the necessity of the ability to analyze and objectively evaluate their own professional activities, critical attitude to themselves and their level of artistic skill, that is, to self-analysis (reflection), as the conditions of professional growth of the sacred art painters. The directions of using the technologies of portfolio and web-portfolio as a tool of training and a tool of professional activity that develop an ability to adequate self-assessment are opened,; analysis of results of own professional activity; orientation to further creative improvement and self-development of professional competence. The structure of the layout and filling of the portfolio is determined (educational projects, academic work, participation in creative contests, scientific work and publications, own professional work, project proposals, allocation of realized objects, projects performed in co-authorship, participation in the development of projects, the implementation of certain types works, independent creative work and searches). Web-portfolio is described as an innovative technology, which is defined by hypertext construction of a web resource, which allows realizing the connection between components of the portfolio model most clearly in the form of cross-references; structuring, openness, platform independence, portability and flexibility of web resources. The functions of portfolio and web-portfolio in the process of professional training of the future sacred art painters are defined. The possibilities of technologies of the portfolio and web-portfolio in the formation of professional training of the sacred art painters are presented. The resources for creation of web-portfolio and presentation of creative projects (information, research, practical-creative) single or in group are defined.
Authors and Affiliations
С. І. Горбань
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