Self-education as means the formation of professional mobility future social workers


The article is devoted to justification the formation of professional mobility future social workers by means of resources and kinds of self-education activity. Several approaches to the definition of the concept “professional mobility” are singled out: 1) active professional activity of a specialist; 2) adjustment and adaptation in the conditions of the modern labor market; 3) orientation to self-education and self-development. Represented the structure of self-education that involves such components: integral emotional and personal apparatus as an internal need of students for self-improvement; the system of knowledge, skills and abilities in self-education assimilated by the person; skills and abilities to work qualitatively with main resources of social information, to navigate in its large volumes; the system of organizational and managerial skills that allow self-control and self-analysis of results. The author also considers the ways of self-education activity for students in pedagogical process and those various forms that facilitate the formation of professional mobility future social workers. The students organize such means of self-education as motives, goals and content of self-education; methods and forms of independent search and assimilation of social experience; the results of spontaneous activity; methods and forms of self-control, self-examination and self-esteem. The article presents typical tasks that future social workers solve during preference and realization means of self-education. The algorithm of search the content of self-education is also offered. The main forms and methods students’ self-assimilation of social experience are introduced in this article. Ability to self-control and self-regulation manifests itself in organization, determination, self-confidence and purposefulness. These are the most important qualities of students on the way to self-education and self-improvement. The ability to take physical fatigue is forming patience, adaptability, the ability to withstand large loads, inevitably overcome unexpected obstacles, and quickly react on changes that determine the degree of student mobility. There was indicated that the most popular kinds of self-educational activity among students are: solving tasks and cases; participation in trainings; involvement in the development of social projects; interaction with public organizations during practical outdoor activities; cooperation to different clients in professional communication situations in the process of passing the internship. These forms are used in a process of preparation future social workers at the department of psychology and social work of Odessa National Polytechnic University. Our research has been established that self-education is an unquestionable effective way the formation of professional mobility future social workers as the specialists of socionomic sphere. At the stage of university preparation such important characteristic is formed by means of modernization the system, to provide holistic impact on personality of future social worker in a process of realization educational activity, practical training and volunteer and non-academic activities.

Authors and Affiliations

Ю. В. Тодорцева


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How To Cite

Ю. В. Тодорцева (2018). Self-education as means the formation of professional mobility future social workers. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах, 61(2), 203-207.