
У статті розглянуто діяльність поштових інституцій у Київській Русі. Надано характеристику джерельної бази дослідження, яку складають давньоруські літописи і корпус берестяних грамот та історіографія проблеми. В історичній ретроспективі досліджено процес становлення, особливості розвитку та функціонування пошти як невід’ємної частини державного адміністративного апарату в Київській Русі. Визначено роль поштових інституцій як важливого елемента державної, господарської та соціально-культурної політики Великого київського князя та володарів удільних князівств у X–першій половині XІV ст. The article deals with the activity of postal institutions in Kievan Rus’. The authors give the description of the source base of the article, which consists of the ancient chronicles and the set of birch bark letters and historiography on the problem. The authors study the process of formation, the peculiarities of the development and functioning of post offices, as an integral part of the state administrative apparatus in Kievan Rus’ in the historical retrospect. The role of postal institutions as an important element of the state, economic and socio-cultural policy of the Great Kyivan prince and rulers of the autonomous principalities in the first half of the XIV-th century is determined in the article. The undoubted importance of finding a new solution to the problem is to clarify a number of unresolved issues, especially in the field of their introduction into scientific circulation, which combines two aspects: 1) Post institutions of Kievan Rus’ and peculiarities of their activity in the historical-cultural paradigm. 2) Birch letters as an object of correspondence in the X-th – first half of the XIV-th centuries. Post communication in the Old Russian state was formed gradually during two main periods: X – XI centuries and the second half of the XII-th century – the first half of the XIV-th centuries. In the first period, a carriage system arises. Horses delivered important messages and military orders of the princes. Such a visitor, as a rule, sends mail to one recipient and receives an answer from him, which was to be delivered to the sender in time. In the second period, post office in Kievan Rus’ finally becomes the system of delivery of letters from the compiler to the addressee. In turn, the prince authorities in Kyiv and in separate lands begin and successfully implement measures to set up ways for the rapid passage of donuts and inn keeping homes for their rest. In such circumstances, the «carriage» could no longer provide a large amount of postal items. So, in the middle of the XIII-th century in Russia there appeared a new post institution – the Yamsk procession. In Kiev and Galician-Volyn chronicles, there regularly appears information about new post, surrounded by princes – the prince’s office. Among the written monuments of Kievan Rus’, birch bark letters highlight their deep rootedness in the everyday life of Old Russian society. Except for the documents of the church-liturgical, educational, literary and folklore nature, the main body of birch bark letters is composed of texts that, in one form or another, reflect specific life situations, the participants of which are the authors of the certificate and the persons associated with them, who are, in different ways, a kind of family, money, property, trade and administrative relations. Not denying the considerable work of scholars in the search and publication of sources on the history of postal communication in Kievan Rus’, not all documents on this problem have been issued in Ukraine and abroad so far. Their dispersal in various chronicles, historical, cultural and bibliographic editions complicates the work of scientists especially in the question of the emergence and development of postal communication in the South and Southwest Russia (the territory of modern Ukraine). The changes and the methodology of studying documents on the history of the activity of postal institutions in Kievan Rus’ will still be required: from the general constancy of facts to a deep and comprehensive analysis of the effects of postal activities on the socio-economic, political, international and cultural development of the state.

Authors and Affiliations

Svetlana Orekhova, Yuzef Nikolchenko


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Svetlana Orekhova, Yuzef Nikolchenko (2017). ПОШТОВІ ІНСТИТУЦІЇ КИЇВСЬКОЇ РУСІ В ІСТОРИКО-КУЛЬТУРОЛОГІЧНІЙ ПАРАДИГМІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 128-141. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434772