Потовщення штамба і апікальний ріст двопровідникових саджанців яблуні сорту Флоріна залежно від висоти окулірування і способу створення двох провідників
Journal Title: Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 93
The main pattern of a modern industrial orchard is capital-intensive densely-planted early fruiting orchards on clone rootstock. An important element of the intensive orchard technology is good-quality planting material. Bi-axis plantations, the creation of which is done by planting Bibaum® young trees, have become popular among European horticultural farms recently. The peculiarity of these young trees consists in the formation of two axes with short (15-20 cm) fruit branches in a crown. The effect of budding height and the way of bi-axis formation on young apple trees, cv. Florina, on rootstock 54-118 was studied in the second field of a fruit nursery of Uman National University of Horticulture during a vegetation season of 2017. Bi-axis formation was carried out in two budding ways: with one bud and further shoot grafting at the height of 10 cm (the control), with one bud and further shoot grafting at the height of 20 cm, opposite budding with two buds, and also opposite (alternate) budding with two buds and with their 5-cm shifting as to each other along a rootstock axis. Budding was exercised at the height of 10 and 20 cm (the control) above a soil level. Opposite and alternate budding with two buds at the height of 10 cm facilitated the length increase of a northward axis by 25.4 and 24.6 cm, respectively, and that of a southward one – by 29.6 and 29.5 см, as compared with the control. The tendency to a considerable increase of an axis length in variants with two-bud budding can be explained by the lack of the effect on an apical part of a shoot, as compared with the variant when traditional budding with one bud was done and a shoot was pinched at a certain height for two axis formation. It has been established that bi-axis formation by means of opposite and alternate budding with two buds at the height of 10 cm above a soil level expedites the thickening of a tree trunk by 2.4 and 2.8 mm and the increase of a height by 14 and 13 cm of annual young bi-axis apple trees, cultivar Florina, on rootstock 54–118.
Authors and Affiliations
О. В. Полуніна, В. П. Майборода
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