Potrzeba dialogu a słabość społeczeństwa obywatelskiego (na przykładzie programu partycypacyjnego „Razem o łupkach”)

Journal Title: Studia BAS - Year 2015, Vol 43, Issue 3


This paper discusses the basic assumptions of Technology Assessment (TA). As an example of TA process the author employs “Together about shale gas” programme (executed in northern Poland). The first two sections briefly outline the Polish context of shale gas extraction and describe what technology assessment is. In the next two chapters the objectives and outline of ‘Together about shale gas’ programme are presented. The author attempts to recognize how many of the TA assumptions are given in the programme and identify its outcomes. The final section examines challenges for the Polish policymakers in the field of technology assessment.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Tamborska


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Tamborska (2015). Potrzeba dialogu a słabość społeczeństwa obywatelskiego (na przykładzie programu partycypacyjnego „Razem o łupkach”). Studia BAS, 43(3), 137-154. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-533894