Поведінкові реакції споживачів туристичних послуг у період кризи / Behavior reactions of consumers of tourist services in the period of crisis
Journal Title: Стратегія економічного розвитку України - Year 2017, Vol 41, Issue
У статті проаналізовано поведінкові реакції споживачів туристичних послуг у період кризи. Обґрунтовано важливість конкурентної адаптації маркетингових стратегій підприємств на ринку туристичних послуг в умовах кризи і післякризовий період. Проаналізовано поведінку туристичних підприємств у споживчих сегментах ринку туристичних послуг у період кризи. Охарактеризовано низку істотних змін у поведінці споживачів, пов'язаних з кризовими явищами на ринку. Визначено переваги постійного розвитку маркетингу взаємовідносин зі споживачами туристичних послуг. The article analyzes the behavioral reactions of consumers of tourist services during the crisis period. The importance of competitive adaptation of marketing strategies of enterprises in the market of tourist services in the conditions of crisis and post-crisis period is substantiated. The behavior of tourism enterprises in the consumer segments of the tourist services market during the crisis period is analyzed. A number of significant changes in the behavior of consumers related to crisis phenomena in the market have been characterized. The advantages of constant development of relations with consumers of tourist services are determined. In the article it is proved that in the current realities of the market of tourist services the system of operational and tactical marketing activities on crisis management and consumer behavior management becomes an important part of the marketing strategy. The system approach is an effective tool not only for monitoring but also for preventing and obtaining knowledge about the threats to the tourism business, which allows you to have a situation and understand what benefits can be derived from managerial decisions in the conditions of market instability. In this regard, the article substantiates the approach to the development of mutually beneficial relations with consumers on the principles of individual marketing, which can be achieved in several ways: ensuring a guaranteed level of consumer expectations of the quality of service through various forms, using transparency in the use of services; establishing direct contacts with clients using different gadgets; formation of business relations with the contingent of corporate clients and a network of travel agents; the development of personalized relationships with consumers; formation of trusting relations of consumers with a particular travel agent or tour operator, based on their own consumer experience; involving clients in the process of creating the tourist value of the tourist product. The article proves that the most effective measures in formation of the appropriate behavioral reactions of consumers of tourist services on the offered by tourism enterprise tourism products, additional services and services during the crisis and in the post-crisis period are: emphasis on efficiency; rejection of advertising that does not work, and the use of «word of mouth» advertising; customization of tourist services; venturing of the tourist enterprise into mobile resources.
Authors and Affiliations
Михайло Сагайдак, Валерія Костинець
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