Повноваження Національної поліції України: доктринально-правовий вимір / Powers of the National Police of Ukraine: Doctrinal and Legal Dimension
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 48, Issue
The article is devoted to the comprehension of the social and legal phenomenon of power and state authority of public administration bodies, clarification of the doctrinal and legal principles of articulation and the specifics of legislative consolidation of the main powers of the National Police, the identification of gaps in the legal regulation of the powers of the subjects of police activity and the formulation of proposals on ways to modernize the domestic legislation in relation to the definition of police powers. It was stated that the powers of the police are a set of legally established rights and obligations necessary for the implementation of functions and tasks. Powers are an element of the legal status of the National Police as the pivotal body of law enforcement responsible for applying legitimate coercion. The title police law sets out the main institutional powers of the police as a basis for determining the administrative powers of the police officer. The powers of the police are mainly formulated in the context of ensuring public safety and order and counteracting crime. At the same time, the legislator failed to properly harmonize the authority with the task of providing police services. The prospect of extending the powers of the police depends on the crime situation, the level of public confidence in the police, the competence and responsibility of the staff, and the balance of mechanisms for dealing with complaints about the actions of the police.
Authors and Affiliations
O. S. Pronevych
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