Powiatowy Sztab Ochotniczej Rezerwy Milicji Obywatelskiej w Radzyniu Podlaskim (1963-1975) – jako przedmiot badań archiwoznawcy
Journal Title: Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 1
Voluntary Reserve of the Civic Militia (ORMO) was established February 22, 1946, as one of the cells of the communist apparatus of repression in communist Poland. The article concerns the District Staff ORMO in Radzyń Podlaski, who coordinated the organization ORMO the district Radzyń. The author discusses the history ORMO in Radzyń Podlaski, the organization and functioning of its office and also has archival materials.
Authors and Affiliations
Dariusz Magier
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