Powikłania proktologiczne u pacjentów leczonych z powodu raka prostaty
Journal Title: Nowa Medycyna - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 4
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Kołodziejczak, Tomasz Szopiński, Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska
Małgorzata Kołodziejczak, Tomasz Szopiński, Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska
The prevalence of colorectal adenomas among subjects in the Endoscopy Unit at the Hospital St. Barbara in Sosnowiec in the years 2005-2009 during the screening program for the early detection of colorectal cancer
Introduction. In the 90’s of the 20th century Poland was among the European countries with the worst results of treatment of cancer of the large intestine measured as the percentage of survivors for more than 5 years (be...
Czerniak w przebiegu szczeliny odbytu – przegląd piśmiennictwa i opis przypadku
Częstość występowania gruczolaków jelita grubego wśród osób badanych w Pracowni Endoskopii Szpitala im. św. Barbary w Sosnowcu w latach 2005-2009 w trakcie programu badań przesiewowych dla wczesnego wykrywania raka jelita grubego
Anal macrocystis with a neurofibroma texture – case study
Neurofibroma is a benign tumor, derived from Schwann cells, it can have varioussizes, from small nodules, through large tumors deforming the body at the point oflocation, uncommonly (from 1-5%) it may also undergo malign...
Atypically located epidermoid cyst as a cause of proctalgia – a case report
The most common causes of anal pain include inflammatory anal diseases, such asfissure, abscess, perianal thrombus or haemorrhoid complications in the form ofgrade 4 thrombosed haemorrhoids. The paper presents a female p...