The prevalence of colorectal adenomas among subjects in the Endoscopy Unit at the Hospital St. Barbara in Sosnowiec in the years 2005-2009 during the screening program for the early detection of colorectal cancer
Journal Title: Nowa Medycyna - Year 2015, Vol 22, Issue 1
Introduction. In the 90’s of the 20th century Poland was among the European countries with the worst results of treatment of cancer of the large intestine measured as the percentage of survivors for more than 5 years (below 25%). The reason for this was primarily the fact that more than half of the cases were diagnosed when the cancer was in an advanced stage. Colonoscopy, performed every 10 years, is regarded an optimal one-step method, which means that it is a screening and diagnostic examination simultaneously. The most important objective of preventive treatment is to eliminate the sources of precancerous conditions of the large intestine, that is, of adenomas.Aim. To estimate the prevalence of colorectal adenomas in patients without symptoms in the study population.Material and methods. The thesis covers a detailed analysis of the occurrence of large intestine adenomas in the years 2005-2009 in the Endoscopy Unit of Santa Barbara Hospital in Sosnowiec. Colonoscopy was performed 1626 times. Based on studies conducted statistical analyzes.Results. In the material of examined polyps 132 adenomas were found. Adenomas were removed from 65 men and 48 women. Tubular adenomas consisted 63.6% of all adenomas, tubular-cum-villous adenoma 28.1%, and villous adenomas 8.33%. Most of the adenomas were up to 1 cm big: it corresponds to 85% of all polyps. Macroscopic structure of removed and unremoved adenomas indicated that pedunculated polyps predominated.Conclusions. Colorectal adenomas occurred in 6.9% of the total study population.
Authors and Affiliations
Jolanta Kielar, Jacek Gawron
Częstość występowania gruczolaków jelita grubego wśród osób badanych w Pracowni Endoskopii Szpitala im. św. Barbary w Sosnowcu w latach 2005-2009 w trakcie programu badań przesiewowych dla wczesnego wykrywania raka jelita grubego
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