Praca i ziemia jako wartości szczególnie cenione w społeczności wiejskiej (na przykładzie Drogi przez wieś Wincentego Burka)
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
Agrarianism is one of the fundamental values which co-create the folk linguistic image of the works and it is also an exponent of stylistic principles dominating in stories written by Wincenty Burek and collected in the volume Droga przez wieś. Typical agrarian lexemes used by the author emphasize the importance of aspects related to reality of work and place of administration on the farm, whereas stylistic devices bring abstract conceptions and situations which are difficult to explain to the facts closely related to agricultural work and breeding of animals making them more understandable. Protagonists presented by Wincenty Burek perceive work as one of the most important values, which is desired and sacralizated since it provides human being with vital bread, enables survival of families, represents virtues of a member of the rural society, favors inner perfection of protagonists as well as enables formation of authentic human relations.
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Miśkiewicz
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