Nazwy potraw w polskich gwarach na Litwie, Białorusi i Syberii wobec przemian cywilizacyjnych


In the article culinary vocabulary in Polish dialects of Lithuania, Belorussia and Siberia and changes in it taking place against the background of civilizational processes are analyzed. In particular the passing of some part of vocabulary into the passive layer of spoken vocabulary (words, connected with baking bread, lithuanisms raug’en’a // ravg’en’a and gryžyna, the word pensak ‘pęcak, pęczak’ and others in dilects of Lithuania and Belorussia). Word specific for Polish dialects of Lithuania, Belorussia and Siberia relating to cooking food are pointed out (in particular germanisms in siberian Polish dialects and lithuanisms in Polish peripheric dialects of north-eastern type finding correspondence in Belorussian dialects).

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Ananiewa


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  • EP ID EP272572
  • DOI 10.26485/RKJ/2017/64/1
  • Views 128
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How To Cite

Natalia Ananiewa (2017). Nazwy potraw w polskich gwarach na Litwie, Białorusi i Syberii wobec przemian cywilizacyjnych. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 5-12.