Practical implementation of international rules of assessment of occupational hazards linked with electrodynamic interaction between worker’s body and magnetic field of low frequency
Journal Title: Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy - Year 2013, Vol 29, Issue 3
The influence of a low frequency magnetic field causes biophysical effects in the human body, which may trigger the response of nervous cells, in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, such as magneto-phospfenes or peripheral nervous excitation. This phenomenon determines the structure of requirements regarding the protection of workers against acute effects of the influence of a magnetic field of a frequency not exceeding a few hundreds of kilohertz.Based on the results of numerical simulations of the relation between internal measures (measures of the electric field induced in the human body) and external measures (measures of the magnetic flux density of the field affecting workers) of the exposure to a low frequency magnetic field, the rules were worked out regarding assessment of hazards linked with electrodynamic interaction be-tween a worker’s body and a magnetic field of a frequency from the range 1–10000 Hz. Guide-lines on the assessment of hazards caused by the influence of sinusoidal time-varying and homogeneous in the work space magnetic field, which were published by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), have been used in developing the rules. The characteristics of exposure to the magnetic field in a real work-place, where fields are both spatially heterogeneous and non-sinusoidally timeva-rying, have been considered, as well technical conditions of performing such investigations. The proposal for rules on assessing exposure defines, among others, internal measures of exposure to a magnetic field, external measures applicable for exposure to a spatially homogeneous and/or heterogeneous magnetic field regarding the domain of workplace space, external measures regarding the time domain applicable for exposure to a harmonic or non-harmonic magnetic field, and exposure assessment criteria regarding individual sections of the human body (head, trunk and limbs). However, the rules for exposure as-sessment this article presents are not a legisla-tive proposal in this field, but referring the outcome of research they are contributing to a discussion on the need and possible range of modifications of requirements of labour law in Poland, related to the coming process of formal implementation of the requirements of European Directive 2013/35/EU, which es-tablished the minimum requirements regarding the protection of workers against risks caused by the exposure to electro-magnetic fields in the workplace.
Authors and Affiliations
Jolanta Karpowicz, Krzysztof Gryz
Praktyczna implementacja międzynarodowych zasad oceny zagrożeń zawodowych związanych z elektrodynamicznym oddziaływaniem pól magnetycznych małej częstotliwości na pracownika
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