Практика наближеного до природи лісівництва у соснових лісах північно-східної Німеччини [Close to nature forestry practices in pine forests in northeast Germany]


In Germany pine forests cover more than 2.4 Mio. ha, representing 22.3% of the land area covered by forest vegetation. According to the III. National Forest Inventory in Germany in 2012, the average annual increment of pine stands of the country is 9.5 m3/ha. Most common are pine forests in the Northeast Germany – many of them are still pure, even-aged forests. Scots pine stands were planted far beyond their natural distribution range due to the robustness and good growth of the species. Foresters, such as Cotta or Pfeil laid the scientific fundamentals for pine management and its extension already in the 19th century. The silvicultural goal in these stands today is the gradual conversion into mixed and structured stands with the participation of broadleaved species. There is evidence that mixed stands often show higher growth rates and stress resistance compared to pure Scots pine stands. Thus, mixed broadleaved pine stands are seen to be less vulnerable against climate change. In the process of conversion the pure pine stands are opened at the age of 50-70 years and under planted with the desired admixed tree species. In young stands so-called future crop trees are selected at a top height of 13-15 m; these trees are then continuously released until reaching the target diameter (40-60 cm at breast height). Intervention frequency in (mixed) pine stands is 5-10 years, and the average cutting intensity is around 40-70 m3/ha. The major silvicultural systems to regenerate pine stands are small-scale clear cutting (up to one ha) or strip cutting, shelter wood cutting or group selection cutting with the diameter of the group being 20-30 m. The duration of shelter wood or group selection cuttings (mostly with three interventions) is 15-20 years. In the final cutting operations fully mechanized systems dominate, especially on flat or slightly hilly terrain. Regeneration often requires slight soil preparation (with the so-called "Kulla cultivator") in order to increase the germination success of pine seeds. Furthermore, emphasis is laid on the monitoring of the sanitary status of the pine forests and fire prevention. Desiccated or dying trees are harvested in salvage cutting operations. The future of Scots pine management in Germany is the admixture of pine to other tree species (mostly broadleaved) of the natural vegetation with the aim of producing valuable timber in resilient multifunctional forests.

Authors and Affiliations

Vasyl Lavnyy, Peter Spathelf


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How To Cite

Vasyl Lavnyy, Peter Spathelf (2016). Практика наближеного до природи лісівництва у соснових лісах північно-східної Німеччини [Close to nature forestry practices in pine forests in northeast Germany]. Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України, 14(), 52-57. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-199138