Право на службу в органах місцевого самоврядування: сутність, проблеми, тенденції законодавчого забезпечення / The Right to the Local Self-Government Service: the Essence, Problems, Tendencies of the Legislative Support
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2017, Vol 41, Issue 41
The article researches the main scientific-theoretical problems of rights in local government. Possibility of making clear and system definition of service in local government concept has been noted what will provide more effective realization of rights to the services. Provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Local Government Service” and the Law of Ukraine “On State Service” have been analyzed. The innovation in understanding of the category “right on local government service” has been critically thought. Conclusions and ways of improving of rights on local government service have been proposed. The article also analyzes the following main tendencies of improving legal regulation of the right in legal government: 1) development of system approach to define professional, business, moral and ethical requirements to the nationals who are recruited at local government; 2) the definition of procedure of implementation of rights to local government service (for example choosing, competition, etc.); 3) the definition of available mechanisms for concluding an employment contract; 3) providing motivation for nationals to local government service; 5) the definition of mechanisms for professional mentoring in local government; 6) the definition of clear grounds for the termination of the local government services. Legislation support on local government services should be carried out by adding system amendments to the draft of the Labor Code of Ukraine, which is under consideration in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Ukrainian parliament) and being prepared for the second reading, and also by the way of developing and adopting a new democratic model of the Law of Ukraine “On Local Government Services” on the basis of national and international experience.
Authors and Affiliations
Petro, Viktor Mozolevskyi, Kostiuk
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