
У статті представлено аналіз нормативно-правової бази, що створює правові засади для проведення антитерористичної операції (АТО) в Україні. Автором встановлено зміни , внесені до українського законодавства з початку здійснення АТО з квітня 2014 року, зокрема розглянуто положення Закону України «Про боротьбу з тероризмом», що визначає умови здійснення АТО. У роботі встановлено основні завдання та повноваження Антитерористичного центру при Службі безпеки України як ключового суб’єкта, що безпосередньо здійснює боротьбу з тероризмом в Україні. Також автором проаналізовано сутність понять «район проведення АТО», «режим у районі проведення АТО», встановлено допустимі заходи на цій території та права осіб, залучених до операції. Окремо розглянуто адміністративно-правовий статус учасників АТО, визначено закони, що його визначають. Особливу увагу автор приділив встановленню конкретних географічних меж району проведення АТО шляхом аналізу ухвалених нормативно правовий актів. Крім того, надано аналіз недоліків та існуючого законодавства в зазначеній сфері. Legal framework for anti-terrorist operations, the work of public authorities, arrangement of the activities of people living on the ATO territory and rights and obligations of the subjects of ATO are carried out under the statute of law which is comprised of a number of laws and regulations adopted by the legislative and executive authorities of Ukraine. The article analyzes the laws and regulations that constitute a legal framework for anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in Ukraine. The notion of “anti-terrorist operation” in Ukrainian legislation was used for the first time in 2014, when the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko endorsed the amends to the Law of Ukraine on the Fight Against Terrorism. The Ukrainian legislation denotes antiterrorist operation as the complex of the coordinated special measures directed toward the prevention, aversion and suppression of the criminal activities committed with a terrorist purpose, liberation of hostages, neutralization of terrorists, minimization of consequences acts of terrorism or other crimes committed with a terrorist purpose. Anti-terrorist operation is carried out to fight against the acts of terrorist organizations in the region and to insure the appropriate level of national security. The main law which regulates anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine is the Law on the Fight Against Terrorism of 2003 (amended in 2005-2016). It determines the conditions of carrying out an anti-terrorist operation, grounds and procedures for adopting decisions, subjects of its implementation and management, ATO region regime, rights of persons, conditions of negotiating with terrorists, informing the public on an act of terrorism and end of an antiterrorist operation. Among the subjects directly carrying out the fight against terrorism in Ukraine the key role is played by the Security Service of Ukraine which provides, through the Antiterrorist Centre attached to the Security Service of Ukraine, the organisation and carrying out of antiterrorist activities. The author also describes its main tasks and powers. The author also analyzes the essence of the notion of “antiterrorist operation area”, “regime in the region where the antiterrorist operation is carried out”, provides the measures which may be taken on this territory and the rights of persons involved in an operation. Special attention is payed to the administrative and legal status of the participants of ATO, laws that determine it as well as geographic boundaries of the ATO region through the analysis of regulatory acts approved. The article also desribes the drawback of the active legislation in the field being analyzed which is the lack of the sanctions imposed for the violation of the regime in the region where ATO is carried out. Moreover, the existence of a large amount of active by-laws adopted by the legislative and executive authorities of Ukraine make it difficult to determine the regime in the ATO region. Also, though it’s difficult to set the real geographical boundaries of the ATO region due to their constant changeability, national legislation strictly determines the area of “temporarily occupied territory” in Eastern Ukraine, however does not provide for introduction of special administrative and legal regime like it was done in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The author also provides the drawbacks of the legal framework for antiterrorist operations, which obstruct the effective functioning of the ATO region and the “temporarily occupied territory” in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and also requires further elaboration.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Trofimenko


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How To Cite

A. Trofimenko (2016). ПРАВОВІ ЗАСАДИ ПРОВЕДЕННЯ АНТИТЕРОРИСТИЧНОЇ ОПЕРАЦІЇ В УКРАЇНІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(17), 266-278. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-430097