
У роботі автор представив аналіз нормативно-правової бази України в сфері соціального захисту внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО). Встановлено поняття «внутрішньо переміщена особа» в українському законодавстві, права та пільги, що гарантуються державою цій категорії громадян. Визначено правові вимоги до отримання політико-правового статусу ВПО, а саме порядок оформлення довідки про взяття на облік внутрішньо переміщеної особи. Визначено недоліки нормативно-правової бази з досліджуваного питання, що потребують подальшого доопрацювання. The annexation of Crimea and military conflict in the south-east Ukraine made many people leave their residences and look for the shelter abroad or in the other regions of Ukraine due to the threat to their lives. The majority of them became internally displaces persons. The appearance of such a new group of persons which comprised 3% of population made government authorities grant them a special political and legal status of “internally displaced persons”(IDPs) and to design a mechanism of ensuring their rights and providing government and non-government assistance. Under the Ukrainian legislation an internally displaced person is a citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner or a stateless person staying on territory of Ukraine on legal grounds and being entitled to permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine, who was forced to leave or abandon his/her residence place as a result of or in order to avoid negative impact of armed conflict, temporary occupation, situations of generalized violence, mass violations of human rights and natural or man-made disasters. In order to define a political and legal status of internally displaced persons the author analyzes the modern regulatory acts of Ukraine, which contain their rights, obligations and social security. The main law in this field is considered to be the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring of rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons” dated October 20th, 2014 with a number of amendments. The article pays special attention to the introduction of the procedure of gaining the status of IDP through the issuance of certificate of registration. The author highlights that while ensuring a great number of rights and privileges for this group of persons, the legislation does not set a distinct mechanism of the implementation of these rights and therefore there appears a number of problems concerning the administration of requirements for gaining the IDP status. There are still a number of problems to settle such as the lack of financial resources for living, the employment of IDPS, the absence of the programs of providing medical and psychological support, the absence of selection criteria for providing social support to replaced citizens regarding their financial situation, social status etc. The author concludes that the Ukrainian legislation makes it clear which person is considered to be an internally displaced one, distinctly describes the rights and the privileges including the money payments secured and provided by the state and defines the mechanism of issuing the certificate of the abovementioned status. Laws and bylaws on internally displaced persons require further review due to the existing inconformity between regulatory acts of different levels and the absence of the effective in practical terms system of registration of IDPs accessible for the society and prescribed by the law.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Trofimenko


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A. Trofimenko (2017). ПРАВОВІ ЗАСАДИ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО ЗАХИСТУ ВНУТРІШНЬО ПЕРЕМІЩЕНИХ ОСІБ В УКРАЇНІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(18), 374-381. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429263