Правовий нігілізм в Україні: поняття, причини виникнення, етапи становлення

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


Аналізується негативне явище в Україні, яке отримало назву «правовий нігілізм». Проаналізовано причини його виникнення, етапи становлення в історично-правовому розумінні і, зокрема, в Україні. Запропоновано організаційно-правові способи його подолання, які обумовлені поліпшенням правової освіти, законодавства і інформаційного рівня. Анализируется отрицательное явление в Украине, которое получило название «правовой нигилизм». Проанализированы причины его возникновения, этапы становления в историко-правовом понимании и, в частности, в Украине. Предложены организационно-правовые способы его преодоления, которые обусловлены улучшением правового обучения, законодательства и информационного уровня. In the article, it is analyzed such the negative phenomenon in Ukraine, which was called «legal nihilism». In the conditions of the formation of new democratic principles in Ukraine, the principles of the rule of law, the strengthening of discipline, the rule of law and order are the main principles. But observance of these principles does not find unanimity in all sections of the population and society. This rejection takes on a variety of forms – from simple dissatisfaction to hostile attitudes towards past and future reforms. In the media and public opinion, this phenomenon was called nihilism, and behavior related to non-compliance with the law - legal nihilism. The analysis of this negative phenomenon in domestic legal science has not yet found its thorough research. Until now, the concepts of «nihilism» and «legal nihilism», the reasons for its appearance, the stages of formation, remain unclear. Having examined the literary sources, we came to the conclusion that nihilism means a complete denial of common values, moral norms, complete skepticism associated with the crisis periods of the historical development of society. As a social phenomenon, nihilism has undergone several stages in its historical development. Among them, we distinguish the following: 1) the denial of Christian dogma; 2) philosophical and liberal; 3) the Bolshevik-Soviet; 4) period of restructuring. Nihilism has many forms of manifestation. The most common form is «legal nihilism». In the process of analysis of this form of manifestation, we revealed the basic principles of its appearance. These are, in particular: 1) historical roots, which are a natural consequence of autocracy in tsarist Russia; 2) the theory and practice of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as the power of unlimited law; 3) the existence of a legal system in which the administrative-command methods dominated by secret and semi-subordinate by-laws; 4) the crisis of legality and the absence of a mechanism for the introduction of normative acts; 5) lack of political will of the ruling elite of Ukraine to actively oppose legal nihilism. In order to prevent legal nihilism, in our opinion, the following organizational and legal measures should be implemented: 1) in the education system; 2) at the legislative level; 3) at the information level, which should contribute to the development of society.

Authors and Affiliations

І. Д. Копайгора, І. І. Копайгора


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  • EP ID EP293289
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1202296
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How To Cite

І. Д. Копайгора, І. І. Копайгора (2017). Правовий нігілізм в Україні: поняття, причини виникнення, етапи становлення. Форум права, 48(5), 189-194. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-293289