Prawne i organizacyjne aspekty funkcjonowania Funduszu Pracy w latach 1933–1939
Journal Title: Rocznik Łódzki - Year 2014, Vol 62, Issue
Bartosz Górecki LEGAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS OF FUNCTION OF THE LABOUR FUND IN YEARS OF 1933–1939 The issue of the fight against unemployment has become one of the most important part of the economic policy of the Polish government after 1929. The establishment institution called Labour Fund was to create an effective economic instrument, whose task was to create new jobs. It was decided to launch public works, supported by government loans. In this article are presented the legal and organizational regulations related to the establishment of the Labour Fund and its functioning in years 1933–1939. The article was written based on the statistical material published regulations and internal instructions Labour Fund. This subject did not live so far detailed analysis. My intention was to launch a broader study on the functioning and organization of the Labour Fund.
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Górecki
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