Prawne i praktyczne zagadnienia finansowania kampanii wyborczej w wyborach prezydenckich w Polsce w latach 2010 i 2015
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2016, Vol 137, Issue 6
The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the issues that pertain to the fi nancing of election campaigns during the election of the President of the Republic of Poland, which are important for the democratic rule of law, but rarely addressed by academic writers. It is nowadays inconceivable to conduct an election campaign without adequate fi nancial resources. Under Polish law, open and transparent fi nancing of an election campaign is aimed not only at ensuring a fair and competitive election, but also affects the legitimacy of the elected authorities. The article provides a theoretical and practical analysis of, primarily, election campaigns preceding the elections of 2010 and 2015. To give a more comprehensive insight into the discussed issues and to show some dynamics of the financing of presidential election campaigns, the results of this analysis have been compared with the data on all the previous presidential elections held in Poland after 1990.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Gąsior
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