Prenatal diagnostics of aninborndefects
Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2014, Vol 8, Issue 1
Prenatal diagnosis offers a wide range of tests that can be carried out at various stages of pregnancy in order to conduct early diagnosis of congenital malformations. The purpose of this publication is to discuss the methodology, suitability and availability of prenatal testing. The detection of anatomical abnormalities in utero and postnatal verification of the diagnosis decreases the risk associated with malformation in a significant way. Prenatal detection of the defect requiring the surgical intervention on the first days of the life is particularly important. Intrauterine diagnosing of the defect allows to implement the diagnostic and healing progression at the newborn directly after the birth. Transport in utero is the safest way of transmitting the child to the high- specialistic centre . The consultative team looking after the mother and the newborn with an inborn defect should be composed of specialists from obstetrics, neonatology, pediatrics, anesthesiology, pediatric surgery and genetics. In the case of prenatal suspicion or detection of the defects that are possible to surgically repair, it seems appropriate to incorporate a pediatric surgeon to the therapeutic team in the moment of detection in the prenatal period. According to the Polish Gynecological Association it is recommended for every pregnant woman to have an ultrasound scan of the foetus at least 3 times during pregnancy. Minimally invasive screening is destined to all pregnant women in Poland, irrespective of the age. Invading examinations are proposed in case of the positive screening (presence of genetic sonographic marker or wrong biochemical test results) or for pregnant women with the past medical history and at the age above 35.
Authors and Affiliations
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