Prevalence of Coeliac Disease in Autoimmune Liver Disease and Primary Biliary Cholangitis

Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 4


Background: Coeliac disease (CD) is a small bowel disease, which occurs upon exposure to dietary gluten. CD is often associated with dermatitis herpetiformis, autoimmune thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus and autoimmune liver diseases. Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) are the most common autoimmune liver diseases. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of CD in patients with PBC, AIH and overlapping PBC + AIH  in our Hospital.Methods: Ninety-nine patients with PBC, AIH and overlapping AIH + PBC were included in this study. Specific serum antibodies and specific duodenal biopsy results are  used  for  diagnosis  of  CD.Results: Ninety-nine patients with PBC (n = 47; F: 95.7%; age: 53 ± 10 years), AIH (n = 23; F: 100%; age: 48 ± 12 years) and overlapping AIH + PBC (n = 29;F : 96.6%; age: 51 ± 10.9 years) were included in this study.Three patients (6.4%) in the PBC group, one patient (3%) in the PBC + AIH group and two patients (8.7%) in the AIH group were serologically and histologically diagnosed with CD. Conclusion: Anti-gliadine antibody (AGA) positivity or anti-endomysium antibody (EMA) positivity alone was not sufficient for CD diagnosis. We suggest using both tests for CD screening to achieve more accurate results. In cases of positive CD-specific antibody results, we advise confirming the diagnosis by histopathological examination of duodenal biopsies.

Authors and Affiliations

Genco Gencdal, Cenk Emre Meral, Elif Azarsız, Güzide Aksu, Fulya Günşar, Ulus Salih Akarca


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  • EP ID EP448114
  • DOI 10.16899/gopctd.468748
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How To Cite

Genco Gencdal, Cenk Emre Meral, Elif Azarsız, Güzide Aksu, Fulya Günşar, Ulus Salih Akarca (2018). Prevalence of Coeliac Disease in Autoimmune Liver Disease and Primary Biliary Cholangitis. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE, 8(4), 295-298.