Prevalence of dental caries among children attending the dental outpatient department in Government Dharmapuri Medical College and Hospital
Journal Title: Medpulse International Journal of Dentistry - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2
Background: Dental caries is a public health problem in developing countries like India. Among Oral diseases the dental caries is important public health problem in India and predominantly a disease of childhood Methodology. Aims and objectives: To assess the prevalence of dental caries in children. To determine the age at which children are most susceptible to dental caries in mixed dentition period. To assess if dental caries in children show sex predilection. To provide base line data for planning dental services for children. Study Design: The study was carried out in the department of dental surgery from September 2016 – August 2017 at Government Medical College and Hospital, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India. Clinical examination intra-orally was done for all children below 13 years using sterile mouth mirror and explorer under dental unit light. Two thousand one hundred forty seven children were examined of which 1378 children showed the presence of Dental caries. In the present study cavitation has been considered, indicative of caries lesson in accordance with criteria recommended by WHO 1994. Result: In this present study 2147 children were examined and of these 1378 had dental caries with a slight predilection towards male children. The prevalence of dental caries was 64.2% Also the maximum prevalence was seen among the age group of 3-6 years showing that the primary teeth were more affected than permanent dentition. The statistical analysis was done using the SPSS version 16. Conclusion: Oral health care in rural areas are often limited due to shortage of dental man power, financial constraints and lack of perceived need for dental care among rural masses. This research would probably be helpful in making future plans concerning the best methods to lower the level of such oral diseases and make necessary improvements in health system especially in the field of oral and dental health problems. Epidemiological data play a vital role in updating recent trends of diseases and treatment needs.21
Authors and Affiliations
D Sregalatha, Vidya Albert Yen
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