Price Spread, Marketing Channel of Banana in Southern Tamil Nadu
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 5
India is the largest producer of banana in the world. In India Banana ranks second next to Mango in area and production, occupying an area of about 83 lakh hectares with an annual production of 46.26 lakh tons. The important banana growing states are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal, Bihar and Gujarat. However, the present production of banana in the country is highly inadequate. It is estimated that, the present annual per capita consumption of banana in India is 50 kg per head which is very low compared with other progressive banana growing countries such as Jamaica, Congo, Equator, Kenya and Uganda. Thus there is an immense scope of increasing banana production in the country. Banana is cultivated in an area of over 8037 hectares in Tuticorin District. This district is one of the major cultivators of banana in the state next to Trichy district. Srivaikuntam and Tiruchendur Taluks are the major cultivators of banana in the district. A major portion of this crop is marketed to other districts / neighbouring state, Kerala. The present study is to assessing the marketing channel of banana, two taluks namely Srivaikundam and Alwarthirunagari were selected for the study. We have interviewed 30 farmers [15 farmers of each block] and 20 intermediaries. There were three marketing channel through which banana was marketed in the study area. Banana is harvested and marketed throughout the year in the region. The banana producers can sell their produce either through pre harvest contract or commission agents and wholesaler. The retailers buy the banana from the above intermediaries. Dr Rajendran T | S.T.Pradeepkumar | M.Suruthi"Price Spread, Marketing Channel of Banana in Southern Tamil Nadu" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-5 , August 2017, URL:
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