
У статті досліджені особливості комунікативної культури педагога в аспекті прогнозування конфліктогенних ситуацій і запобігання конфліктам. Освітній процес як комунікативний акт вимагає уважного аналізу з точки зору конфліктогенних ситуацій, спровокованих недооцінкою загального знання про комунікативні конвенції. The article studies the features of the communicative culture of a teacher in the aspect of prediction and prevention of conflict situations. This issue has a great importance in modern society due to the changes that happened recently in the field of education. To make the educational process more productive we are fully aware of the necessity of further improvement in this sphere. The educational process as a communicative act that requires careful analysis from the point of view of conflict situations caused by underestimation of general knowledge about communicative conventions. Now we consider a good teacher as a person able to find common language with different groups of students. Good modern teachers must be excellent psychologists. They should have knowledge about the differences in attitude in different ages and in different social groups. Therefore, their methods of communication and ways of presenting knowledge should depend on the students’ age, their cultural and social features. Teachers should implement the principles of individual approach and equality and they should use encouragement rather than criticism. They must learn modern methods and ways of communication with their students; they must distinctly know students’ needs and wishes. The personality of a teacher plays a key role in this process hence their professional and interpersonal qualities have a big influence on students’ personalities as well as on their learning abilities. The responsibilities of a modern teacher cannot be limited by mere giving knowledge. The teacher must understand the inner world of the young generation. A modern teacher has to bring up students, to show good examples and be the person who is respected by them. That is why teachers in our society should be highly educated, open-minded and well-mannered people. We see a modern teacher as a person who is able to develop constantly to suit the requirements of modern education and changing society. A supervisor rather than an instructor, a good teacher should be well rounded – to have good computer skills, language and psychological knowledge and an ability to implement all these skills into his work. In addition, it’s necessary to be highly professional, responsible and able to think outside the box. If our teachers, with the support of the state, meet the above-mentioned requirements, we will be able to increase the respect towards teachers in the society and, therefore, to influence the students increasing their motivation to learn for the purpose to become good specialists in future.

Authors and Affiliations

Dmytro Bilorutskyi


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Dmytro Bilorutskyi (2017). ПРО КОМУНІКАТИВНУ КУЛЬТУРУ ПЕДАГОГА. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 48-53. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-434346