Про одне мовне явище в індивідуальному мовленні Б. І. Антонича і деякі проблеми сучасного моворозвитку
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
What processes in the system of the Ukrainian national language refl ect the word forms of the imperative which we fi nd in works by the outstanding Ukrainian poet B. Antonych? Thus some peculiarities of the individual speech of the poet, refl ecting peculiar features of his native Lemkiv dialect, are the reason to study the relationship between the morphological structure of word forms of the imperative mood and the type of their stress. The study of system interdependences and relations, existing at different structural levels of the Ukrainian language system, will give a possibility to identify a lot of characteristics of the Ukrainian verb in modern Ukrainian lexicography.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Wasyl Zadorożnyj
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