Рефлексивні декаузативи в польській та українській мовах
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
The article investigates the status of “refl exivity” in linguistics. The category of refl exivity is at the core of the categories of voice in the broad sense. The article deals with different approaches to identifying the refl exive decausative in modern linguistics. The paper describes the dimensions of the refl exive decausative, which includes verbs of mental activities; motion and movement; disappearance and loss; place and movement; body, and natural phenomena. The paper is devoted to the semantic aspect of the refl exive decausative in the Polish and Ukrainian languages. The results of this comparison with examples from modern Polish and Ukrainian literature are presented in the article.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Natalija Szczerbij
Віктор Шульгач, Нариси з праслов’янської антропоніімії, ч. ІІІ, Київ 2016, 472 с.
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