Про поняття ділової репутації та включення в Господарський кодекс права на ділову репутацію суб’єктів господарювання як відповідного правового інституту

Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2017, Vol 48, Issue 5


Розкрито важливість ефективного захисту права суб’єктів господарювання на ділову репутацію у забезпеченні кон-курентних умов господарювання, а отже і розвитку економіки в цілому та запропоновано виділити відповідний комплекс правових норм щодо захисту права суб’єктів господарювання на ділову репутацію в якості самостійного пра-вового інституту. Раскрыта важность эффективной защиты права субъектов хозяйствования на деловую репутацию в обеспечении конкурентных условий выделить соответствующий комплекс правовых норм по защите права субъектов хозяйство-вания на деловую репутацию в качестве самостоятельного правового института. The importance of effective protection of the right of business entities to business reputation in ensuring the competitive conditions of management, and hence the development of the economy as a whole, is disclosed. It is proposed to allocate the corresponding set of legal norms for the protection of the right of business entities to business reputation as an independent legal institution. The aforementioned contradictions between economic and civil law are not trivial, those that can be ignored. After all, the attribution of the business reputation of business entities to objects of intellectual property rights will mean the extension of the (legal) reputation of the legal regime of these objects, that is, increased its protection. Thus, in this case, a more correct position regarding the status of a business reputation as economic entities is contained in the relevant norms of economic legislation. It is necessary to consolidate and in civil law a clear definition of the content (composition) of the business reputation of legal entities, including the trademarks, industrial designs, inventions, works, commercial secrets, the best management qualities, new technologies, as well as the manufacturer’s designation, appearance of the product, registration of packaging of goods and periodicals, other designations of an entity that has previously started using them (provided that this has led or may result in confusion with the activities of this entity). Regarding the protection of the right to business reputation of business entities. In civil law, the right to inviolability of business reputation as a physical person and a legal entity is enshrined. In Art 94 «Personal non-property rights of a legal entity» of the Civil Code stipulates that a legal entity has the right to inviolability of its business reputation, the secret of correspondence, information and other personal non-property rights that may belong to it (Part 1). At the same time, the effectiveness of protecting the business reputation of economic entities depends on a number of factors, requirements for their full consideration and optimization, based on the objectives of this protection. For revealing and taking into account the whole complex of essential factors, it is commonly used, in particular, in enterprise management studies, its security (and the issue of protecting the business reputation of economic entities is directly related to their safety, and sometimes even with national security) special scientific-practical tools, construction of the system, organizational and legal mechanism for protecting business reputation.

Authors and Affiliations

І. Ю. Лучка


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  • EP ID EP305770
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1203224
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How To Cite

І. Ю. Лучка (2017). Про поняття ділової репутації та включення в Господарський кодекс права на ділову репутацію суб’єктів господарювання як відповідного правового інституту. Форум права, 48(5), 236-240. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-305770