Problem of Homelessness of Human Being in the Context of Technology in Heidegger
Journal Title: Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 2
In this paper, I focused on an examination of the relationship between the critic of technology and homelesness of human being as a problem in Heidegger’s philosophy. Firstly, it is examined between the technology and causality that is basis of modern science. Later, it is asserted that the essence of technology is not instrumental, which has been used for the definition of technology today. This thought is based on the concept of tekhne which was used by Heidegger. Heidegger says that tekhne belongs to poiesis that means bringing - forth and is something poietic. In this context, technology is losed its meaning and reduced the its meaning only instrumental. Hence, it doesnt mean bringing – forth. Eventually, it would break off the relationship between technology and Being. The break off connection of Being and begining of metaphysical thinking would become our main references the understanding of subject centered philosophy that is the background of modern technology and result in homelessness of human being as a problem.
Authors and Affiliations
Umut Dağ
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