Проблема зарахування попереднього ув’язнення в строк покарання в контексті забезпечення єдності судової практики


Статтю присвячено проблемі зарахування попереднього ув’язнення в строк покарання. Розкрито правову природу такого зарахування. За допомогою аналізу відповідних рішень Верховного Суду з’ясовано питання про дію в часі змінюваної у 2015 і 2017 роках частини 5 статті 72 Кримінального кодексу України. The article is covering to the issue of enrollment of pre-trial detention in the punishment period. The legal nature of such enrollment is revealed. Using analysis of the relevant decisions of the Supreme Court, the adoption of which has been due to non-uniform judicial practice, including ones at the level of the cassation court, the question of the action in time of part 5 of Article 72 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which has been amended in 2015 and 2017, is revealed. In particular, the correctness of the approach, taken by the decision of the Joint Chamber of the Cassation Criminal Court of the Supreme Court, dated June 6, 2018, according to which the legislative provision on the enrollment of pre-trial detention in the punishment period should not be identified with the criminal-law consequences of the committed act in the sense of part 2 of Article 4 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is refuted. It is noted that in formulating its dubious conclusion, the Joint Chamber of the Cassation Criminal Court of the Supreme Court, for unknown reasons, has in fact ignored the unanimous approach of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Supreme Court. It is argued that provision on the enrollment of pre-trial detention in the punishment period, provided in criminal law is directly related to the scope of the restrictions that a person experiences in connection with the commission of a crime. In accordance with part 5 of Article 72 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, pre-trial detention acquires significance, which is similar to punishment (equated to it or equivalent to it), and therefore, has a criminal-law nature. It is emphasized that this criminal law norm does not refer to the application of a relevant precautionary measure, but refers to its impact on the amount of person’s criminal liability. This provision describes one of the legal situations, which occurs after committing a crime within the framework of criminal law relations and concerns the implementation of criminal liability. It is suggested that provision of part 5 of Article 72 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine actually constitutes a special rule for the imposition of punishment, in which the measure of procedural nature loses its original value, at the same time gaining the meaning of the measure of criminal law influence. It is noted that the legal conclusion, regarding the application of part 5 of Article 72 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, formulated in the decision of the Great Chamber of the Supreme Court of August 29, 2018, is correct. It is stated, among other things, on the appropriateness of the following provisions in this resolution on: a) the non-identical concepts of “pre-trial detention” and “the enrollment of the pre-trial detention in the punishment period”; b) the affiliation of part 5 of Article 72 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which forms part of sentencing institute, to the rules of material, not procedural, criminal law; c) recognition of the enrollment of pre-trial detention in the punishment period as a criminal law consequence of the act, which affects the legal status of a person under Article 5 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (improves or worsens such status). Based on the example of consideration of a specific issue on the temporal effect of the law on criminal liability, a general conclusion is drawn that the system of ensuring the unity (uniformity) of judicial practice, which is essential for the implementation of legal certainty as one of the aspects of the rule of law, indeed operates in Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Євген Олександрович Письменський, Олександр Олексійович Дудоров


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Євген Олександрович Письменський, Олександр Олексійович Дудоров (2018). Проблема зарахування попереднього ув’язнення в строк покарання в контексті забезпечення єдності судової практики. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 84(4), 78-93. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-538567