Problematyka cukrzycy u chorych z nowotworami głowy i szyi leczonych operacyjnie
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 1
The aim of study was to assess the course of treatment and final hospital costs of head and neck cancer patients with diabetes mellitus in comparison with control group of cancer but non-diabetic patients. Material and methods: In the years 2002–2007 3707 patients with head and neck malignancies were operated in Dept of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Oncological Surgery in Poznań University of Medical Sciences, in this number 134 (3,86%) patients had coincidence of diabetes and cancer. The fi nal examined group constitute of 57 male, 18 female, the control group – 63 male and 25 female. Results: In group with diabetes the number of disqualification from planned surgery was signifi cantly higher then in control group (13,6%). The other details taken into consideration: the time of preoperative preparation, the hospital stay after the surgery, total hospital stay and the total cost of hospitalization have not differed signifi cantly. The number of demanded consultations in DM1 subgroup, in DM2, in the whole examined group (DM1 + DM2) and in control group; as well as the time of antibiotic therapy differs signifi cantly. The important issue was the patient status and control of blood glucose level before the admission to hospital. The signifi cant differences were revealed between well regulated and unregulated diabetes subgroups in: preoperative preparation time (3,54 and 5,24 days respectivelly), the postoperative stay (11,46 and 15,24 days), total hospital cost (3599 zł and 4434 zł). Conclusions: No correlation was found in time of preoperative preparation, time of hospitalization and hospital costs between patients with controlled diabetes and non-diabetic patients although the statistically higher number of consultations was needed and longer antibiotic intake time in diabetic group. We found the statistically signifi cant differences between patients with well-controlled and uncontrolled diabetes in total hospitalization time, preoperative preparation time, antibiotic consumption, number of consultations and total hospital costs.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Wierzbicka, Agnieszka Wróbel, Anna Zwaruń, Witold Szyfter
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