Problems of legal protection of virgin forests in Ukraine

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2


In this article described the problem of ensuring the legal protection of virgin forests as a rare species of forests. Ukrainian society is currently undergoing a complex stage of reform, therefore the priority tasks are complex political, social and economic changes, which, in fact, should transfer the state to a higher level of development and establish credibility in the international arena. However, in pursuit of this, all very little attention is paid to really important aspects - garbage processing, pollution of reservoirs, cutting down of extremely valuable virgin forests. The origin of the term, the main properties and the legal regulation are determined. Legislatively, the concept of virgin forests is not clearly regulated and allocated in a separate legal document. In the legislation, this topic was regulated by general laws, without distinguishing virgin forests as a separate part of the forest fund of Ukraine. The ways of correction of the existing situation with the help of raising the knowledge of the population about virgin forests, and more extensive legal settlement of this issue are proposed. The value of virgin forests as a part of the forest fund for Ukraine is highlighted and it is emphasized on the importance of their preservation by means of amending the legislation. Many scientists point to the invaluable importance of virgin forest ecosystems. But, unfortunately, the areas of these cells of the wild are insignificant and they require special state protection. In order to ensure the safe protection of virgin forests, it is necessary to first inventory these unique forest ecosystems. Fortunately, we have experience of foreign countries, with the help of which we can avoid a catastrophe in our state. Therefore, it is worth comparing the strategies for the protection of rare forests, to create the theoretical basis and the legislative basis for this. Ukraine has just begun its path as a European country, so it is important for it to use the experience of foreign countries. However, at the same time it is worth remembering about own democratic traditions of management of society and its achievements.

Authors and Affiliations

Анастасия Косыгина, Anastasia Kosygina, Анастасія Косигіна


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How To Cite

Анастасия Косыгина, Anastasia Kosygina, Анастасія Косигіна (2018). Problems of legal protection of virgin forests in Ukraine. Lex portus, 10(2), 213-222.