Problemy zdrowia psychicznego matek i ojców dzieci głuchych z implantem ślimakowym

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 3


Introduction: Child's deafness is a risk factor for the mental health of its parents. This study addresses a question whether mothers and fathers of the prelingually deaf children using cochlear implants (CI) experience a different intensity of psychopathology symptoms than parents of the hearing, typically developing children, and also if the intensity of those symptoms experienced by parents is related to how long their child is a cochlear implant user. Material and methods: In this study participated 153 hearing parents of the deaf children using a single cochlear implant (111 mothers, 42 fathers), and parents of the hearing children. Mean age of deaf children was 72 months, cochlear implant use duration was between 1 and 124 months. The control group of parents has been selected taking into account their typically developing child's sex and age. The parents' mental health has been assessed with Goldberg General Health Questionnaire GHQ-28 in Polish adaptation. Results: Mothers of deaf, CI using children experience significantly more symptoms of anxiety and insomnia compared to the mothers of typically developing children, while fathers of these children show the tendency for the increased level of depression symptoms compared to the fathers from the control group. In the group of deaf CI children mothers relate substantially more somatic and anxiety symptoms than fathers, whereas level of experiencing depression symptoms and problems in everyday functioning is similar in mothers and fathers. No relation between the duration of child's CI use and parents' mental health has been ascertained. Conclusions: The mental health of parents of the deaf CI using children indicates that both mothers and fathers have problems in this sphere related to their child's deafness, but not to the duration of child's CI use. Parents of deaf, CI using children may need psychological help regardless of the time their child has been using the cochlear implant.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Kobosko, Anna Geremek-Samsonowicz, Henryk Skarżyński


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Joanna Kobosko, Anna Geremek-Samsonowicz, Henryk Skarżyński (2014). Problemy zdrowia psychicznego matek i ojców dzieci głuchych z implantem ślimakowym. Otolaryngologia Polska, 68(3), -.